Monday, October 26, 2009

Mia Michaels Rushed To Hospital - October 26, 2009

While poking around, I saw a piece (again on about Mia Michaels being rushed to the hospital while choreographing a routine for SYTYCD Canada that directly relates to her decision to leave the American version of the show. She’s hurt her back pretty seriously – the problem is likely a herniated disc or a pinched nerve. She’s been released since then (Saturday) and is recovering.

The winner, Tara-Jean Popowich, was also injured – displacing two ribs.

Well, Mia doesn’t have a scary reputation as a choreographer for nothing. She’s just as brutal on herself as she is on the dancers she works with, expecting nothing but the best.

And here’s that injurious – and gorgeous – routine.

Source: Pure So You Think You Can Dance

Article by "Emilie"

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