Saturday, March 27, 2010

New Rules for 2010!! **Updated Again**

Okay, so it looks like there are going to be some new rules this season according to Nigel's Twitter account. So far, we have learned 3 of them, which include:

  1. Only one (1) dancer will leave the show each week instead of two (2);
  2. The partners will change every week;
  3. This season will NOT have a Top 20;
  4. The competitors will no longer choose their genres of dance;
  5. We are forming a 'dance-pool' of your favorite dancers from previous Seasons to act as partners for this year's top 10;
  6. The dancers will change partners each week picked from an 'All-Star Pool.' Each 'All-star' will be a specialist in specific genres of dance
  7. Only the competitors will be judged not the "All-Stars.". America votes for their favorite and one of the bottom three dancers will go home.
So, I'm not sure exactly how I feel about these rules? First of all, how will they pull off sending only one person home each week? Won't that leave someone without a partner? Ugh. I hope this all comes together more clearly soon? I don't like change. I wish they would change that big-ass stage back. I don't like it - it consumes the dancers and it seems less "intimate" to me.

Oh well - as long as I have my show back I will be happy, regardless!! Can't wait!!!

1 comment:

Jennifer L said...

Wow, AllStars, I love it, I can't wait to see how that will pan out.